Creative Short Story

Reflection:I think I did a good job of generating ideas and putting them in paragraphs in a way that flows nicely.  of chips from the vending machine which caused us to think very creatively. This project forced me to think outside the box. The story was partially based on the book I was reading and on the French Revolution,so it caused me to dig deep into my knowledge. When we were creating this short story we had some difficulties such as we couldn’t find an object, so we got a bag of chips. Some of the ways our short story could’ve been improved are by putting the pictures in better order. We could have also added more detail to the story and we should improve time management, we should’ve  been more creative with our thinking.Other than that I think we did a pretty great job on our short story. The detail might not be enough but, quality over quantity right!

1 Response

  1. Good work on your Sway Abigail. You do, however, need to improve upon your reflection and ensure that it fully addresses the core competency you are reflecting on as well as addressing ways in which you think you can improve moving forward. Add more to your reflection and email me the URL in order for me to reassess your work. 3

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