Assignment #2 – Digital Referencing and Citations

I will be using MLA format for citations in this assignment.

Orange Shirt Day is an important event to honor the Indigenous people/children who were forced to go to residential schools. It’s an important day to raise awareness of the residential school system. It’s a day to show support for the community of Indigenous people and to work towards being kind to others.

“Orange Shirt Society.” Orange Shirt Society, 29 Sept 2023, Accessed 9 Nov 2023.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission issued these calls to action as a way to call attention to discrimination faced by Indigenous peoples. It shows that 18 haven’t begun, 31 have projects proposed, 32 have projects underway, and 13 are complete.

“Beyond 94,” CBC NEWS, 18 March 2018, Accessed 9 Nov 2023

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Truth and Reconciliation Day was established in Canada to recognize the discrimination and the impact of the residential school system on Indigenous communities. It was established on September 30, 2021.

British Columbia, “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” province of British Columbia, 2023, Accessed 9 Nov 2023

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Call to Action #63 iii is that social workers and others who manage child welfare investigations are educated well and trained about the history and impacts of residential schools. This is important because understanding the history and impacts of residential schools helps them make decisions.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. NCTR, 2015,

In this video, I learned that Coquitlam has changed a lot. We have so many more advantages now than before (around 20 years ago), for example, the Kwikwetlem people had to live in trailers with no electricity. Right now, Coquitlam looks different because we have houses, apartments, and townhouses. The government of Coquitlam has changed Kwikwetlem a lot and we are trying to spread this so that people recognize their disadvantages in the past.

“The Story of Kwikwetlem.” Youtube, uploaded by Kwikwetlem First Nation, Accessed 9 Nov 2023 

“hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ Language Guide.” Kwikwetlem First Nation, KFN ENTERPRISE LP,, Accessed 9 Nov 2023