Outside of school I play lots of basketball. I could say that it is one of my favorite things to do. Basketball was an easy choice for me because Basketball has left a big impact on my life. I have met a lot of great people, learned a lot of new techniques and strategies, taught me the importance of teamwork and allows me to stay active which is awesome. I have been playing basketball since 2013 so six long years now which has taught me a lot about life and the importance of working as a team. It’s true that no one can do everything by themselves which is something Basketball expertly showcases. Basketball has also taught me about managing time and having a schedule. Sometimes I practice with my team three times a week which can clog my schedule a bit which is why I have learned to better manage my time and be more efficient. Basketball has made me think a lot about the future and possibly even a career path. Its been more then once that I’ve thought about playing in front of thousands of people on a basketball court. But if I stayed a little more realistic, I’d probably play basketball as a hobby and instead do something else for a living. How basketball has impacted my life is very significant. I’ve learned a lot of things and has made a lot more resilient to things I might otherwise be more susceptible too. For example, Basketball has helped me a lot with stress that comes from school, etc. In conclusion, I’d say that basketball is something I hold very close and are very passionate about that I will always keep with me. It has taught me things that has already helped me a lot through the little time I’ve played basketball and I couldn’t be more happy to continue for the rest of my life.

This is a picture of me shooting the ball into the basket that went in!

Extra Curricular Basketball
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One thought on “Extra Curricular Basketball

  • November 30, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    Mark: 4/5
    Your extracurricular post includes the required elements. The post is presentable though you could improve the overall appearance with more graphic features. Information includes details and examples that provide information about your involvement in your extracurricular activity. Subject knowledge is present and shows your interest in your activity.


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