Assignment 2 – Digital Referencing and Citations

I will be using MLA format for citations in this assignment.

Orange shirt day is recognizing the kids in residential school and the ones that died in the res schools. The orange shirt came from a girl whose kokum got her an orange shirt to wear to school. The teachers didn’t like that and took the shirt from her and put her in a uniform.

Santos, Charliss. “Every Child Matters.” Orange Shirt Society, 2023, Accessed 9 November 2023.

These are the calls for action. Canada is doing these things to help the indigenous and heal them after the residential schools. 18 haven’t been started, 31 they have an idea on what to do, 32 they are working on it and 13 are finished.

“Beyond 94.” CBC News, CBC News, 19 March 2018, Accessed 14 November 2023.

In 2008, Truth and Reconciliation Day was established honour the resilience, dignity and strength of survivors of the residential schools.

“National Day for Truth and Reconciliation”,  National Day for Truth and

Reconciliation – Province of British Columbia. BC Ministry of Indigenous Relations


day-for-truth-and-reconciliation. Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.

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Building student capacity for intercultural
understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.

“Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, “Truth and

Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to action,” Exhibits accessed

December 5, 2023,

calls_to_action_english2.pdf (

Kwikwetlem means: “People of water” the name came from the water that was around them and they mainly ate salmon because there was so much salmon that the rivers turned red.

Kwikwetlem First Nation. “The story of Kwikwetlem, YouTube, @kwikwetlemfirstnation8275, Oct 4, 2021,

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