Comparing and Contrasting Two Short Stories

Core competency reflection: Communication

Writing this essay was surprisingly interesting and fun. For the first essay of the year I am proud of the work I have done and the mark I received. I forgot how much I enjoy writing and often found myself writing too much and having to cut things out. I showed how passionate I am about the meanings of these stories and the issues they tackle. I was able to demonstrate my skills in writing that I have so far. I communicated my thoughts on the stories throughout this essay and showed my ability to analyze and compare stories.

I am happy I can write a good essay. I will work on improving grammar and spelling and work on transitioning between paragraphs. I hope to gradually improve my writing skills as the years go on.

2 thoughts on “Comparing and Contrasting Two Short Stories

  1. Jasmine, which core competency did you chose to reflect on? You have a good start here, but your work could be improved by focusing on one core competency and evaluating how you can continue to improve on it. 3.5/5.

  2. Good work updating your reflection Jasmine. Continue to ensure that you add details to your reflections and explain how you utilized the chosen core competency in creating your work. 5/5

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