7 Kingdoms: Thief of Life and Death

Reflection: This assignment really helped me with my creativity. I think that one of my strengths is coming up with the ideas of how the story goes, and the story plot. One thing that I can improve is to not write too much when we’re only supposed to write a few paragraphs; in other words, to not get carried away by the story. I feel confident in what I’m learning, and working with others motivates me to come up with new ideas. I came up with ideas based on books or videos that I’ve watched before, changing it a little and coming up with new ideas after the ones I’ve seen on TV. Generating ideas with a partner really helps, and makes it fun too.

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One Response to 7 Kingdoms: Thief of Life and Death

  1. paitken says:

    Good work on your assignment Amelia – you have done a good job with your Sway – stacking photographs and using a theme as well. 5.

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