Romeo and Juliet Video Project

Reflection: Personal Awareness and Responsibility

I have learned that a way to manage your stress when you’re nervous to go to the front of the class and present is to just have fun and remember that there are other people up there with you too. Taking a deep breath and focusing on your lines and repeating them really helps too. The more you repeat them, the more you’ll remember when you actually have to say it, reducing the chance of messing it up. I learned a new way to set my goals and that is to make myself finish the objectives needed to finish the goals before they are due. That helps me organize my life and the time I spend on my homework better, and that prevents me from procrastinating. I am doing that to stay healthy because managing my time can help me get more sleep and have time to do other homework and reviews. I am respecting my own rights and the rights of others by listening to their ideas and proposing my own when I think that it will have a positive effect on our project. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and the time I spent with my groupmates working on it and having fun throughout the whole project. I believe that I can improve by improving the script, like adding more details or displaying more emotion into my character. I can also improve by researching more about the play, the setting, my character, etc.

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