Black lives matter

Black lives matter, that’s right,
Yet I may never get it because I’m white,
And still we know it to be true.
No one has said or implied,
That other innocent souls should have died,
Black lives matter too, they do.

The eternal cycle of hatred is very hard to escape,
Yet as children our thoughts unlike clay, don’t shape,
The anger we learned as we grew up.
Perhaps the idea seems simplistic,
but it is always just another statistic,
Now is the time for us to wake up.


Whose curry is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite happy though.
Full of joy like a Neymar Junior,
I watch him laugh. I cry hello.

He gives his curry a shake,
And laughs until his belly aches.
The only other sound’s the lake,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The curry is mouth-watering, spicy and deep,
But he still has promises to keep,
After cake and lots of sleep.
Sweet dreams come to him cheap.

He rises from his gentle bed,
With thoughts of chicks in his head,
He eats his jam with lots of bread.
Ready for the day ahead.

My greatest brother and friend,
Fernando always likes the trend.

Cloning poster

Creative thinking self-reflection 

So far this semester, I was able to do a formidable amount of creative thinking. I can get new ideas or build on other people’s ideas, to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials. I did this when I was thinking of how to start my propaganda poster, connecting my ideas with my dad and Ms. Hewitt. I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. Since the beginning of the semester, I rarely spoke or questioned the teacher before, now I asked the teacher for help with the propaganda poster. I get ideas when I play. My ideas are fun for me and make me happy. With the poster, I loved my thoughts and ideas for the cloning topic. I believe I did well on the poster assignment, which I put a large amount of hard work into it.  

Creating and building ideas on something overtime is a big strength I demonstrated this semester. I deliberately learn a lot about something (e.g. by doing research, talking to others or practicing) so that I am able to generate new ideas or ideas just pop into my head. I mostly did this by practicing a certain concept like short story responses and propagandas. I have deliberate strategies for quieting my conscious mind (e.g. walking away for a while, doing something relaxing, being deliberately playful) so that I can be more creative. My strategies are to walk away and put headphones on listening to motivational music. I use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work. When the teacher begins to say some unimportant things, I tend to stop listening and then miss the essential things to hear. After this, I decided to always be active listening and alert.  

When there are strengths, there are also stretches no matter how good someone is. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries. I may be strong at creating ideas, but I don’t usually succeed since I mess up a lot even with many tries. I get ideas that are new to my peers. Coming up with amazing ideas that nobody thinks of is something I need to do more frequently. I have interests and passions that I pursue over time. This is a stretch I must improve because I want to do very well at school and in this class. This means finishing assignments on time, seeking more help from the teacher, and getting at least a B on my work. However, my start to the semester was somewhat weak and became a little stronger overtime, so I wish to keep my progress strong for the rest of the year.