
Core Competency Reflection:

During this project I think I demonstrated Personal Awareness and Responsibility. I demonstrated self regulation by taking responsibility in my learning, I took responsibility in my behaviour, such as not disturbing other group members and staying on task. I took ownership with my goal during this project, my goal for this project was to finish it as soon as possible so I could work on other work. This is my example of Personal Awareness, if I was able to finish my work earlier I would have less work on the due date and have less stress. Well being, I can use strategies to be less stress. I do this when I have a lot of work, or when I have test coming. I took mini breaks while doing my school work. I do exercise when I feel stress. These strategies work for me. Also, I am using time management to do this project, so I would get it done earlier. This demonstrates responsibility to my work.

I finished this project myself which presented a small challenge because most people worked in groups and they could finish there projects faster. This meant I had to be more responsible for my own work. When I reflect, I think my work quality was better than previous projects because I was able to finish faster than I excepted and that made me feel good about this accomplishment. I was responsible to seek help and I asked questions when needed it. In my opinion, this project was a success with fewer errors, and I used personal awareness and responsibility.

I want to finish this project by using time efficiency. I should have used more time to edit my work. I think I could have better improved my paragraph by adding more information on each timeline, more pictures and explaining them. I want to improve my work scheduled so I can get it done faster so I can have more time to work on other projects. I think I could’ve done peer editing to improve my writing. This would have improved my writing, I would have another persons opinion, and this goes with responsibility. I think I could have had better beginning the document, to hook the reader, this is personal awareness because I should have been aware of this at the start.

3 thoughts on “Timeline

  1. Hi Andrew,
    I could not locate your Core Competency reflection. Please complete it and email me a link to your blog when it is ready to be marked. If you need help you can come during FLEX, to room 213. I have provided a link to the school page with the core competencies and a template that you may use if you would like. http://kodiaks.sd43.bc.ca/core-competency-reflection-sheets/
    Ms. Hewitt

    • Hello Ms. Hewitt, please see my reflection as below.

      Andrew Pawlak

      Oct 30, 2019, Wednesday

      The French Revolution was a dark time, many people were be-headed and killed, and the poor people were living in the worst conditions possible. This caused the Revolution. Causes of the French revolution, there were major reasons to the revolution, but the big one is the king not being in touch with the lower class. The upper class did not care about the lower class and never bothered seeing them. The First and second Estate taxed the Third Estate people so much money the point the country went into dept. The kings said they were chosen, and they could do whatever they wanted, they could throw people in jail for whatever reason. This made no one want to confront with the ruler. The end of the French Revolution, it started in the 1780’s, the peasant’s people couldn’t take it anymore, they were starving, poor, and unhappy and decided to riot. When they rioted the king sent the military and they killed or put the protesters in jail. This caused more and more riots. On July 14, 1789-Was the fall of the Bastille, it was a prison that held seven people. After they set the castle on fire, many people died on both sides, this caused the peasants to have anger and want more revenge. In 1793-1794- Reign of Terror starts, it was a fear that an army would come and put France back to the old society, Terror ends when Robespierre is arrested and killed. Napoleon Bonaparte won wars and ended the French Revolution. Society has changed a lot because of the French Revolution, without the French revolution we may still be living their conditions.

  2. Hi Andrew,
    Your mark: 6/8
    You have properly integrated media into your blog and used an appropriate format to present your assignment. Information clearly relates to a core competency. You include several supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency.
    Reflection is organized with 3 well-constructed paragraphs which do a good job of communicating your ideas. Your paragraphs use the language of the core competency to describe how you addressed the core competency and how you will apply it in the future. Please feel free to email me a link to your updated blog, if you make changes and want the page marked again. If you need help you can come, see me in room 213 at flex.
    Ms. Hewitt

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