What I Want to Learn from English 9

Beginning English 9, I feel really excited for the new challenges coming my way. I have a profound interest in history. I believe that learning about our ancestors and events of the past would make me a better person. Another thing I want to learn about is how to become a better writer, to elaborate I would like to learn to write more fluently and with greater detail. A different are that I would like to strengthen is reading, I think that becoming a better reader would benefit me in many ways, such as having a stronger vocabulary, a better understanding of the English language (my 2nd language) and that it would ultimately increase my knowledge of the things around me. Additionally, I would like to work on my public speaking skills. As a person I want to improve on my confidence, I believe that with public speaking I could gain the confidence to do things I wouldn’t have the courage to do before. I imagine that English 9 and Mr. Bell can improve not only in the subject, but as a person too.

Core Competencies:

Throughout the month of English I’ve experienced so far, I have noticed that my core competencies have been strengthened considerably. My creative thinking being improved the most,  was tested throughout the various poems we did. I had to consider rhymes, rhythm and how to properly apply poetic devices. My communication and positive personal and cultural identity was tested in the food poems, having to recite my poem continuously in front of my  peers allowed them to see a little bit more of what i’m about.  My social responsibility has been displayed through the numerous times I have participated in classroom discussions. My critical thinking has been improved through weekly vocabulary and tests.  I’ve had to analyze words and have the ability to memorize their definitions, meanings and how to put them into a sentence.

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