Tag Archives: HGP12019

Good Place

My favorite character up until now is Michael since he has no idea what is going on in his own village. I also like his blunt sense of humour in the first episode. The other characters are quite good too, but I do not like their personality as much as Michael’s. The character I prefer the least is Janson the monk because I do not know a lot about him, and he does not speak in the first episode.

The entire first episode was filled with irony. For example, a stoner kid from the 1970s get 91% right about what happens after death while all of the major religions were only 5% right. Besides, it is very ironic when Michael shows Eleanor her new house with many clown pictures because Michael thinks she likes clowns, however, in reality she does not like clowns. We know this is a big misunderstanding about her personality.

The main point of this first episode is to show what life after death is and that humans are separated into good and bad places. Until your death you collect positive and negative points, and with this final score, the “boss” decides if you are going to the good or bad place. All we know about the bad places is what we hear in the audio file, which is just screaming. Furthermore, the audience knows that something isn´t right because Eleanor isn´t that good of a person as Michael thinks she is. There is a misapprehension about Eleanor but only she and Chidi know about it.

The first episode was very amusing and interesting because it is be possible that our life after death is similar to what the TV show offers. It is humorous because you can´t say any cuss words in this good place. The language in this episode was easy to understand because they didn´t have difficult accents. Until now it corresponds with my humour and it is funny to see a not so good person among the exemplary people.