Cloning Poster


I thought that one thing that played a big part of making the poster was creative thinking. my partner and I used creative thinking in many different ways. One was we started comeing up with a few different ideas to use, which lead to our poster. We came up with about 4 different ideas and just drew rough drafts for each and chose the poster that we handed in. Also when drawing we might’ve asked someone if they liked it, some said fix this or fix that. Then we would fix it after building off of there ideas to make to better. By doing this I would combine my ideas with there ideas to make one big idea. That is just a few things that I thought we did well on.

A couple more things that I thought I did quit well on was communication. I thought I did well on this because when going into the weekend my partner and I weren’t done and the assignment was due on the Monday. I was stuck on a part so I had to text my partner. This was very good on my  part because if I didn’t do this I would’ve been stuck and not know what to do for the project. also when asked a question I could respond back with an answer.

Those are just a few things I did quite well but I could still improve on a few things. One of the big things I could’ve done better is contributing more to my group/partner. I did what my partner told me to do but he did more than me. I feel like I could’ve just taken over from him because he was doing the drawing and I did a very small write. If I did this I would’ve felt way better for him. Another thing I could’ve done better is asking questions to the teacher. If I did this I coddle understood more of what was going on if I was stuck on something.