Alternate Assignment 1

English 9.

Death of a snow machine book cover. 

In this group project I showed that I can connect and engage with others (to develop and share ideas.) This was a project that was completed as a group, so we had to make sure everyone’s ideas got a say. I can ask and respond to simple, direct question. Every time someone in the group asked me for help, to take my turn drawing, to write my paragraph, I did it. If I realized that something was missing, I would take a leadership role and get it done which shows I can work with others to achieve a common goal.


Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review constructions and activities. I worked very well in my group and always made sure I was contributing. I can summarize key ideas and identify the ways we agree. If we ever had a disagreement, we could always work it out and compromise. Since there were many aspects to this project there were many ideas shared, so ideas got turned down. It shows that we can take on roles and responsibilities in a group. If someone wasn’t carrying their weight, then we would let them know.


One part I would like to work on is I can present information and ideas to an audience that I may not know. This is a goal that I made for my writing in this project. English isn’t my strongest subject, so I tried very hard this semester. How I want to improve is by making sure I can organize my work in a simple way for everyone to understand. I want to be able to present confidently in front of anyone and feel proud of my work.

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