Take your kid Work day

Name: Holden.S

Advisory #:10

Name of your host: Ashley Barnes                              Relationship to you: Aunt


The Interview: (ask your host these questions)


  1. What is your job title? Elementary School Teacher
  2. What is your job description? Elementary or Primary school Teacher.


  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? Educating children various subjects.
  2. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas?
  3. training? Volunteer hours.


  1. Education? Bachelor of Arts/Geography, Bachelor of Education/Primary, Post Graduate.


  1. c) Experience? Teaching practicums – Grade 4, 2. Teaching Adult education courses, Secondary English courses, Teaching of lower primary grades 5 years.


  1. d) Skills and attributes (personal qualities): Patience dealing with various situations throughout day, ability to multi-task, good with time management, dealing with parents and students and being extremely personable.
  2. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? Lots of overtime without pay or boosted salary. Lack of E.A support, class sizes, and properly distributed educational help. Really not having the ability to reach out to every student, especially the ones that are in need the most.


  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? Having a hope that things will change in support of smaller class sizes and compositional help with reaching every student



Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):

I feel that I would enjoy working as a teacher for many reasons. One reason that definitely sticks out for me would be having the opportunity to properly educate and prepare the youth of our world for the education system ahead of them. Personally, growing up and doing all of my primary schooling in a really little town on Vancouver Island, the focus on education was not as heavy as it is in bigger cities with denser population like Vancouver. Then when I recently moved to Port Moody and started my secondary school career at Heritage Woods, I immediately was blown away by how important education is over here. That is why I feel that teaching would be slightly suitable for myself because I could have the opportunity to really prepare kids for what a heavy workload may look like. One other reason why I feel that I would suit this occupation would be because I really like interacting will all different kinds of people in all different age ranges, and I feel that teaching would be an excellent way to do so. Having the chance to connect will all different kinds of kids would be very interesting. One last reason why I would like being a Primary school teacher would be having the chance to make what you teach on a day to day basis completely personalized. Of course, you would have to follow the curriculum you are given but you are able to use that as a guideline and teach what you feel is most important. For those reasons that is why I feel that I would like having a job as a Primary school teacher.


  1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):

I also feel that I would possibly not enjoy working as a Primary teacher for these specific reasons. One reason that I defiantly could not be a teacher would be because of the amount of organization and preparation necessary every single day to be able to properly educate your kids. I feel that I would have in mind exactly what I would want to teach, I just am an extremely unorganized and unprepared person. One other reason why I could not be a Primary school teacher is due to my inability to multitask. After being in a classroom and seeing what my Aunt had to do to be able to bounce from 1 kid to another and also be explaining a topic to the entire class was extremely impressive and I know that I would never be able to do such a thing. One final reason why I could not be a primary school teacher is because I feel that the job would not be that stimulating. I think it would just be very repetitive and every single day would just be the same. That is why I feel I would not like being a primary school teacher







  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

I don’t think that this job is really for me because as much as I love connecting with all different kids of people and having the opportunity to educate the youth, I just feel that this isn’t the kind of job that would get me out of bed every single morning. I know that jobs may not be something that you love and enjoy but I also think it’s very important that if you don’t feel that you could do this exact job for the next 15-20 years then you are doing the wrong thing and you should pursue what really makes you happy. I also feel that to be a primary school teacher you would really have to enjoy working with younger children, and I just really don’t have the tolerance or attention span to work with young kids all day. For those reasons I feel that working as a primary school educator would not be the right fit for me.


  1. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post-secondary (after high school) plans (education? training? travel? work?).

I think that TYKTW is a very important thing in relation to my ideas about what I want to do with myself after I graduate. I think the reason that it is so very important is because it helps open your eyes to the work force ahead of you and can help you narrow down what you may want to potentially do after you graduate. For me, after attending TYKTW it made me really think about what little time I really do have before I am graduating and being forced to find a job or try to attend post-secondary education to further my knowledge in a specific topic. That is why I think that TYKTW is so important and why I feel that every kid should attend it.

Image of TYKTW day.