About me

My name is jinyi Zhu. I am 14 years old. My favorite hobby is skiing, drawing, writing and anime. My favorite sport is badminton. My dream is do a designer or writer because I like drawing and writing. My favorite food and drink is mango and coke.

My favorite sentence is “If anyone wants to get help when they have difficulties, they must be wide on weekdays.” —Sadi. Do more help for others, others will help you.Doing so will be more beneficial to you. At the same time, I will get help from others when I have difficulties. You can also be friends with people you help yourself. Stay hungry,stay foolish—Steve Jobs. Stay hungry:It means to seek knowledge as thirsty and want to drink water as urgently, and the desire to know is very urgent. Stay foolish means that people should remain open-minded. Don’t be like a stupid person. Don’t be rash, don’t pretend to be clever.

Image result for famous quotes

My favorite YouTube Clip is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt2fdy3zrZU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAOldLWIDSM first one is math video. I like math, this is the video I used to learn mathematics before. Second is art video. I always want to learn draw face. But I always can’t draw better. So I always look this video. You can also get useful information and knowledge from it. If you can, you can also recommend it to a friend. I also showed some useful videos to my brother.

My favorite website is pinterest.ca Because there have many anime and painting teaching.Because I haven’t learned to use comics, I always find useful lines on this website to learn by myself. I can also find pictures of my favorite anime above, I will also watch it when I am relaxing. I also met some people who can draw pictures. It is also possible to exchange your favorite pictures with friends or to find useful steps to teach painting.

Here are three of them. This is my first contact with painting. I realized that people can draw things so realistically and make the characters look good. Therefore, I reported a lot of art classes and studied for a year. Now I am good at drawing still life sketches. I think painting is not only fun, but also allows a person to calm down and create a painting, no matter how good or bad it is.


Take Your Kid To Work Day 2019

Name: _____jinyi zhu________________ 

(First Name and Last Initial)

Advisory #:___03_______ 

You will be observing your host throughout the day. There are 3 parts to this assignment:

Part 1- The Interview: Observe your host at work, at some point interview your host and record/make notes of the results

Part 2 Reflection: After the day is finished, reflect upon your experience and answer the reflection questions Part 3 – Post Your Assignment to Your Blog: Once your have completed Part 1 and Part 2 post it on your blog. Make sure you take pictures and/or videos to document your day, you can place them in your blog.

Name of your host: _____jing Nie__________________ Relationship to you: ____mom’s firend______________________

The Interview: (ask your host these questions)

1. What is your job title? _________Buying sundries and receiving express________________________________________________

2. What is your job description?______Help people pick up and drop off express___________________________________

  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? ______Ship on time, no mistakes____________________
  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:

a) training? __No training is required to do this job. Just look at it and learn.___________________________________________________________

  b)  education?_____No education required____________________________________

c) experience? _It takes a few more times to be proficient__________________________________________________________

 d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)?_____Take the order, Package delivery________________________________

  1. What are some of the things you like about the job? _____Just sit in the office, don’t go out____________________________
  2. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? __Be proficient in using computers_____________________________
  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? __I think there may be no change in the future, but with the current level of technology, there may be a robot to replace people to do these things one day.___________________

Other question (s):


Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):

a) _Close to the mall, you can come and go___________________________________________________________ b) ___No need to go out, just take the order in the office____________________________________________________________ c)     Can help the Chinese send the courier back to China_______________________________________________________________

  1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):

a ___To pack a lot of goods____ b)    _____Be familiar with many operations on your computer___________________________________________________________ c)      ________To solve the problem of package size and item size________________________________________________________

  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

__I don’t think it’s suitable, because I can’t make a lot of money to do this, and I am more inclined to have a job about mathematics, and I don’t like to sit all day.__________________________________________________________________________

4. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).

__I have to go out to work after high school, so if you do this, you will be suitable for the work of express delivery.________________________________________________________________________________________

Digital Footprint Assignment

Be cautious when surfing the Internet

The web is a network that can browse a wide range of information and entertainment games. But there are also a lot of risks, so I generally use the real name in addition to instagram and WeChat, the rest of the software I am anonymous or homemade nickname.
I won’t send my own photos or videos because it will make me very embarrassed, and I rarely make friends online. I rarely reply to other people’s information. There are also many people with the same name on the Internet. I rarely use mobile phone numbers to bind some information, and I will not disclose my mobile phone number or address to others. I think I use electronic devices wisely, and my digital footprint is safe and appropriate.

How can my digital footprint affect
my future opportunities?

If you make some bad remarks on the Internet or arbitrarily disclose some important secrets, there is a high probability of being punished, such as being numbered, reporting, and even being arrested by the police. If it is more serious, it will go to jail. If you disclose your address and mobile phone number to others, you may be harassed or tracked, and you will be uneasy. Finally, if you make a joke to others and threaten others, the police will also come to you to find you.
At some point, your personal deeds will be included in the university’s archives, or at work, which will have a great impact on future college or job search. The university will not accept a student with a bad behavior. If you can’t find a job, you can’t find it. After all, the company won’t trust someone who has a criminal record or a hidden word. If your reputation is so bad that it will be a big blow to your future.

Three strategies to keep your
digital footprint appropriate and

1. Don’t add friends with guys whose origins are unknown. If the other party says something indecent or insulting to yourself, then report, pull black, delete. If it is about personal privacy, then immediately call the police. Don’t send too many photos of your own home on the website or any privacy of your loved ones at home.
2. Always check if your account has been stolen. If it is, immediately freeze the account and remind your friends and relatives in another way not to be deceived. When a friend wants to borrow money or do something, be sure to Confirm that the other party is not your own friend, but also beware of fraudulent information from unknown sources.
3. If you see some comments on the Internet that make you angry, don’t send inappropriate words to insult or curse others, and don’t send too much extra posts to stay neutral.

What information did I learned about
digital footprint?

You can’t put your information online, stay neutral on the Internet, don’t participate in any language abuse or unidentified activities, and always be careful about fraudulent information. I will tell my friends, ask them to remember, keep calm when posting content, because
It is easier to post dangerous content on the Internet when you are impulsive, and be cautious in making friends on the Internet, beware of fraud.

Sway due

where are you now?Where would you like to be in 4 years as you graduate from HWSS?

  • I am now in grade 9 and I am now in eal.I will make a lot of friends at school and learn a lot about business. Canadian homework is still rare for me so I can free up time to learn English. If I can I want to go to the University of Waterloo, I heard that the University of Waterloo is learning about mechanical and IT. I like machinery and IT. I also want to join the school’s robot club in the next semester. After I graduated, the employment rate of learning machines in Canada is very high.

How can you use some of the skills you learned this year to help youget to where you want to be 4 years from now?

  • My math is very good, and physics is ok. As a very good tool discipline, mathematics has great use in automation design in the design stage of mechanical products. For me, learning mathematics and physics is very fast for mastering the basic knowledge of machinery. After a long time in contact with the discipline of mechanical manufacturing and automation, mathematics can greatly help my improvement. And my father is also working in mechanical design and IT becomes this category, he can also give me some useful help.