Current Lab


I had chosen Communications as my core competency because I believe I have shown major points if the communication aspect of the competency. The main idea of this project was to make parallel circuits and to understand how to do a science lab. My group had all contributed making the circuits and sway that went with it. Doing that we had asked each other questions on how to make the lab to best of our ability. The members of the lab and I had contributed positively and made a great effort to make this happen. If I or my friends got an idea, we’d talk to each other, motivating each other to offer suggestions. My partners had many ideas and we all made sure to listen but when someone’s idea didn’t benefit us as much as others, we politely denied them.


I am very outgoing myself and I can be confident speaking normally in all circumstances particularly in groups. My partners and I would get off task from time to time due to some of the suggestions we would share but we were able to exchange points about the subject for the most part, especially when we discussed making the circuits. Once we get off the task someone in the group would make sure that we would have time to do the work together in the class and remain prepared to do the work together.