Cloning Poster

Social Responsibility Core Competency Reflection

I participated in the classroom activities, so that the classroom can improve. I demonstrated this by improving my classmates poster by giving them a peer edit. By participating I was able to help my classmates do better on their projects, and in turn they helped me, by also participating in editing my poster. If no one in the class decided to participate it would effect our marks, now that we have had our peers edit our posters, we know what we need to work on and improve for next time. Another thing I did was, work in this environment to make a positive change. I showed this by not talking when work needs to get done, and putting my best effort into this poster. By doing this I hope to be a role model, and to not verbally show what needs to be happening in that moment whether it be work or socializeing. Lastly, I contribute to the class to make it a better place. I try to do this by raising my hand when I know the answer to a question, and by helping others better understand the assignment. Overall, I feel I have made a positive impact on the classroom by trying to be a role model, and helping others out when needed.

When I am in need of help, I ask for it, and I am able to solve some problems for myself. I have asked for help when I don’t understand a lot of times. For example, I wasn’t sure how many bullet points you needed for one paragraph in this reflection, so what I did was ask Holden for help, he explained what I needed to do and I did it. Secondly, on my poster I clarified problems, considered the alternatives, and evaluated my strategies. I did this on my poster with my images, when I first printed them I realized they were humongous, so I made them smaller and through trial and error I got a size that fit. Thirdly, I identified problems and compared problem-solving strategies. On my poster I had many problems especially with colouring it. On my poster there are a lot of colours, I understood that too many colours is not good so I had to change it. First, what I did was think about different points that could be the same colour but still would come out as bold and important, eventually I decided that my bullet points right in the middle of my poster could be the same colour and still be seen as important so I changed it. In conclusion, I am able to solve problems, but recognize when to ask for help, also I can fix my problems by using problem solving strategies.

Something I need to work on is, recognizing when someone needs support and providing it. The only time I give support is when someone asks me for it, the reason for this is I am was thinking/working on my project, so I had no idea when someone needed help unless they asked me. When I get better at this I think I will become a better role model for the class. Another thing I need to improve is, being part of a group. If there is an option to do it in partners or by yourself, I will always choose by myself, because I trust myself to get it done. Though if someone I know and trust comes up to me and asks to be my partner I will happily agree. On the other hand, if I am with someone I know is going to slack off, I will take most to all of the work load and carry them on my back. Last thing I need to work on is co-operatively with others for the same reasons as the second point. Overall, I have a lot of things to work on but I feel I can improve.

One thought on “Cloning Poster

  1. Very well done. You have properly integrated your media into your blog and chosen a format which does an excellent job of presenting your assignment. All information clearly relates to the core competency you have chosen. You include several insightful supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency.Your reflection is very organized with at least 3 well-constructed paragraphs which do an excellent job of communicating your ideas.
    Your paragraphs use the language of the core competency to thoroughly describe how you addressed the core competency and how you plan to further apply it in the future.
    You have considered your development and growth as a learner and the process by which this assignment has led you to this new understanding of your skills and abilities.
    Letter Grade: A

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