Romeo and Juliet Video Project

Reflection: Personal Awareness and Responsibility

I have learned that a way to manage your stress when you’re nervous to go to the front of the class and present is to just have fun and remember that there are other people up there with you too. Taking a deep breath and focusing on your lines and repeating them really helps too. The more you repeat them, the more you’ll remember when you actually have to say it, reducing the chance of messing it up. I learned a new way to set my goals and that is to make myself finish the objectives needed to finish the goals before they are due. That helps me organize my life and the time I spend on my homework better, and that prevents me from procrastinating. I am doing that to stay healthy because managing my time can help me get more sleep and have time to do other homework and reviews. I am respecting my own rights and the rights of others by listening to their ideas and proposing my own when I think that it will have a positive effect on our project. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and the time I spent with my groupmates working on it and having fun throughout the whole project. I believe that I can improve by improving the script, like adding more details or displaying more emotion into my character. I can also improve by researching more about the play, the setting, my character, etc.

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Conversation/ Interview between Hadiya Roderique and Boo Radley

Reflection: Personal Awareness and Responsibility

During this project, I learned to better manage my time by doing my part in the project and finish before the deadline so I don’t stress out when it’s near the due date. I have learned new ways to organize my life by setting out a time every day after school and using class time appropriately to do my project instead of doing them only on the weekends. This project made me think about viewpoints that I didn’t think to think about before, and I learned that I can improve on making the videos better by going to a quieter place to record. The recording was challenging because you had to redo everything if you mess up even once. I feel like the things I learned in this project can help me understand the book better. Overall, I really liked this project.

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Identity Essay- Sway

Reflection: Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

I really enjoyed this project, because it reminded me of the good and bad events that happened throughout my life. I learned a lot about myself, like how my ignorance affected my identity, and it changed my view about others and the world greatly. I see how society can really change a person and influence the actions they do. I think that one of my strengths is I’m able to choose appropriate pictures to match my paragraphs and give enough examples in my essay so others can relate. One thing I can improve on is to give more details and improve on my vocabulary in the essay to make it better.

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What I Want To Learn In English 10

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PicLit Poem

Reflection: Creative Thinking

I created the poem based on the picture I chose, and I realized that having something that I can get an idea from, like a picture, really helps with creating something new. I think that this project was a really fun experience and really challenged my ability to create something new from scratch without relating it to something that has already been created. I understood my limits better and aimed higher than just the criteria by adding rhyme into the poem, which was not required. I really appreciated this project and it made me enjoy creating poems more than I did before.

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Environmental Video

Reflection: Personal Awareness and Responsibility

During this project, I learned to manage my time by doing my project every day and finish before the deadline so I don’t stress out when it’s due. I have learned new ways to organize my life by setting out a time every day after school to do my homework instead of doing them only on the weekends. This project taught me useful information that I didn’t know before, and I learned that I can improve on making the videos better by spreading the information on more scenes. Making videos and organizing how many seconds each scene appear is hard because everyone reads at a different pace and there’s no speaker in the video. I feel like the things I learned in this project can help me a lot in life, knowing the right things to do to improve the world. Overall, I really liked this project.

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Recycling Flip Book Project

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Snowball Campaign Video & Reflection

Refection: Communication

I improved my ability to share ideas with others by learning how they communicate, meaning how they tell others their ideas and how to get people to share their thoughts. I did not use any new digital media programs this time, but I helped with the edit and learned many useful tips to make the video better. My experience with this project was nice, and working with others were really fun too, even though it was sometimes hard to get everyone to focus. It was really exciting when we were planning out how the video was going to go and what props we needed to make or get. One of the benefits of using digital media is that it makes everything easier to put together, and one drawback is that it sometimes led us off trail and topic. One thing that I hope to improve is to communicate even better about the things that each of us are planning because there was a point where we were all doing different things with the prop. Overall, I think this project was pleasant to do.

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Take Your Kid to School Day 2018

My workspace is often at school because I finish all of the work I need to do at school.

Welcome to Heritage Woods Secondary

My first two months at Heritage Woods were really nice. The teachers were friendly and eager to help, and everything was explained clearly. The students were kind and nice, often offering to participate in a group project together. My first two months did meet my expectations, even though I didn’t imagine the students having such a positive attitude about things. It met my expectations because I’ve watched on television what high school was like, and it was very similar, minus the bullying part. Three pieces of advice that I would like to offer to students that are entering Heritage Woods next year is that first off, it’s not as scary as you think high school might be. Everyone is actually very nice, even the upper-grade students. Second, school is not as hard as you might think it is. Even if you have some difficulties catching up, the teachers will always be there to support you and offer guidance. Lastly, don’t worry about not making friends; make sure you have fun! Everyone in your class will be starting their year fresh like you, and over time you will make friends and get used to having different students every period.


My ideal school would be a school that had advanced technology. That will be one thing that I would like to change about Heritage Woods. The pencil sharpeners can change to electrical ones, and the wobbly desks and chairs can be fixed and improved. The outside of my ideal school will probably have more windows and use some white stones and glass to make it look more stylish and newer, and have more courses according to what the students suggest. The style of learning will be kind of the same, but more advanced and move faster than the pace we are at right now.


A career that I would like to pursue in the future is probably a dessert maker. I am passionate about this career because I like to make and create things, especially things that need dedicate attention and creativity. Pursuing that career will need a lot of patience and time, and it is something that I am willing to devote my time to. Some qualifications and education that I will need is a desert maker qualification and education on making desserts and how to make them, decorate them the professional way, etc.


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7 Kingdoms: Thief of Life and Death

Reflection: This assignment really helped me with my creativity. I think that one of my strengths is coming up with the ideas of how the story goes, and the story plot. One thing that I can improve is to not write too much when we’re only supposed to write a few paragraphs; in other words, to not get carried away by the story. I feel confident in what I’m learning, and working with others motivates me to come up with new ideas. I came up with ideas based on books or videos that I’ve watched before, changing it a little and coming up with new ideas after the ones I’ve seen on TV. Generating ideas with a partner really helps, and makes it fun too.

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