Assignment #7 – Excel Graphing

Pie Chart:

This pie chart is showing the percentage of people that use each social media app, including TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. TikTok has the highest precentage because most people would rather watch shorter videos and make shorter videos, and TikTok is easier to get more views since so much people use it. However, the other apps has a lower percentage because it might not be as fun to use and post.


Bar Graph:

The bar graph shows the favorite season opinions that have been asked to 10 people. Summer has to most people and this is probably mostly because of no school. Other seasons however, may have breaks, but not for 2-3 months, only 2 weeks.


Line Graph:

This line graph shows a compound growth chart and how much it grows each year. Each year, it goes up by 0.2, so it is always an even decimal.

Photos might be blurry so this is my excel document:

Assignment 7 Book2 Book2

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