About Me

My name is Felora. Although, My legal name is Helia but my family calls me Felora. I was born and raised in Iran, therefore, my first language is Persian (Farsi). According to the fact that we have immigrated to Canada, I want to improve my English. I spend my free time with painting, listening to music, spending time with my friends and watching movies. The only sport that I was professionally involved in was swimming. I enjoy it so much that I would like to take some training courses to become a lifeguard eventually. But my primary goal at the moment is to finish high school in two years because I didn’t have enough credits for the sophomore year. I look at this as a way to learn and improve and this is my main goal during school years. Going to college has always been my biggest dream in life.


“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” 
-Mae West


We all know that we only get one life to live, therefore we need to choose carefully how we want to spend it. There are plenty of people who are regret of the things that they have done in their life like the choices that they have made in the past that took them to the wrong destinations. There are also other people who are regret of not having done enough in life by saying no to the opportunities. This quote is basically telling us that if we take all the chances and opportunities to grow and improve, we can live a life without regret.



Sometimes we need a structure or motivation or someone to explain the meaning of life for us again. A script that will tell that it’s not the time to give up, make an excuse, and sit in the corner to see what will happen next in our life. This video is my favorite video because of its theme, music, and script, which makes you feel better, forces you to think and try, to make the best choices and ignore all the possible excuses. It will tell you if you have a goal or an aim, nothing can distract you, so it helps you to see life better . 




I enjoy using this website because it provides information about people who made significant changes in their societies’ lifestyle without considering their society’s expectations, accomplish so much without any excuses and finally made their name last forever in history. We all were born for a reason; meaningful reasons to do good to the people and to the society.



Lastly, I enjoy this photo because it represents how living alone and trying to do everything alone is a hard thing to do. We almost believe that it is impossible. However working in a group and trying to accomplish a task together will produce better results and it will help to complete the goals in a faster and more better way. This also shows the love between people who are helping each other, therefore it gives us a better understanding of the meaning of friendship and helping each other through everything.  hope you injoined my website, and my favorite things made you feel better.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi Felora,
    4.5/5 – You have done a good job constructing your page and have integrated media and text quite well. You could earn a better mark by providing more detailed explanations about your video and favorite website. Careful with grammar errors I like your choice in quote.

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