Core Competence GR10

Social responsibility:

Throughout the year I have demonstrated Social Responsibility in many ways. Whether it be saying hello to someone in the hall or including them in something I’m doing, I always make sure that people are okay. this year I have tried to ensure that people are feeling comfortable and included in class, I feel like its really important to check in on people especially with what is going on in the world right now. This year in Career Education our class took part in YPI, where we researched and talked to people at a charity of our choice to be able to do a presentation in front of senior students, where our group could potentially win $1000 for our charity, Athletics 4 Kids. Thankfully we won the $1000 and were able to donate it to A4K, we are now still working with them because we loved the feeling we got from donating that money and want to continue to do things like this in the future.


I have always been told I’m a good listener, I just like to take in information, analyze and then speak. I would consider communication to be one of my strengths, especially with creative writing, I don’t however, like public speaking but I guess I would say I’m pretty good at it. Speaking is an very important aspect of life and without it the world would be a confusing place, thats why this year I’ve been trying to get involved in more projects that will help me improve this skill of mine, YPI definitely helped me with this.

Creative thinking:



Current lab reflection

In our project I think the biggest core competency was communication. We used communication to split up the tasks and get everything done in the most efficient way possible. I would say that we used this core competency to its fullest as we used many ways of communication to finish our project, we used a group chat and FaceTime. After the the assignment I realized that this competency probably saved us because if we didn’t FaceTime or text we might not have finished on time.

Another core competency we used was creative thinking, we showed this by using a unique style of presenting which was a sway, something that was new for all members of our group. In the presentation we used creative and meaningful pictures to help make it easy to understand what is happening in our presentation, we also as I said before split up the tasks to get everything done as fast and efficient way possible.

Something I probably could have done better is manage my time better, I miss categorized everything and should ask for help as soon as possible next time, this is also a good learning experience for me and everyone in my group.


Name: _Aidan_C___________________

(First Name and Last Initial)

Advisory #:_06_________


Name of your host:  Matthew                Relationship to you: Father


The Interview: (ask your host these questions)


  1. What is your job title?  director of marketing


  1. What is your job description? manage all online marketing activities for soccer express


  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? Manage all digital advertising, social media, website, team and club marketing and events


  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas?training? on the job training


  1. b) education? pragmatic marketing certification


  1. c) experience? 15 years, Companies: Schneider Electric, Westport, AdvanTec Global and Self Employed at Soupcan Marketing.


  1. d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)? Creative, Problem solver, Curious, Analytical.


  1. What are some of the things you like about the job? Always different, Challenging, Fun and People I work with. Likes working from home.


  1. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? __Challenging dead line and workload.



  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? Technology is always changing along with new marketing trends.




Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
  2. It’s at soccer express and I love soccer
  3. b) my dad is able to work from home most of the time so I think that I would like to have that option If I was in his position
  4. c) I like working with people who share the same interests as I do


  1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
  2. lots of calls and meetings you have to attend
  3. I wouldn’t enjoy waking up early every morning
  4. having to work late a lot


  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

I think it might be although my dream job is to be a lawyer I think I would really enjoy this job because its in a friendly environment with people who share similar interests to me

Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post-secondary (after high school) plans (education? training? travel? work?).

I think it was a good experience to get a feel of what working actually looks like and get an idea of what I want to do after high school.


short story assignment – digital storytelling


Digital literacy short story reflection 


In my story I think a big core competency was creative thinking, Tyler and I came upon a piece of plastic and started thinking about what this little thing has done to the planet and what would happen if we had got rid of it completely. I started to do some drawings to show Tyler what I was visualizing, and it helped us create the characters and most of what was going on in the story, we also looked on the internet which also helped us out. Another core competency would be communication because I feel like we divided up tasks equally and we both had impute into what happens and what the story looks like. 

Some things I could have done better at would be further editing the story and going over it a little bit more. I could have also added a little bit more to make it more intriguing. But anyways I think Tyler and I worked well together and did a pretty good job.