Invention project


December 2, 2019, Monday

Invention fair project three paragraph reflection.

I demonstrated creative thinking in my invention fair project. I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about. I am interested in ocean clean up and plastic clean up, I developed my idea based on the problem we face today. I deliberately learn a lot about something (e.g. by doing research, talking to
others or practising) so that I am able to generate new ideas or ideas just pop into my head. I learned about the plastic and garbage problem and some of the methods that are being used to get rid and clean up. I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests. I am interested in better cleaning up garbage in large bodies of water and I can easily generate new ideas based off ideas that already exist or completely new ways that are efficient in other ways. I was able to demonstrate creative thinking in the Invention fair project.


I showed creative thinking in the invention project. I can get new ideas or build on other people’s ideas, to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials. I built off other people’s ideas to get new ones, the person I worked with gave suggestions how our product would work and I was able to build off his ideas to make a final product. We had to change some of the materials during this project, he suggested we use dirt (as plastic) in  the water, but said we should use real plastic so we would use less water. I build on others’ ideas and add new ideas of my own, or combine other people’s ideas in new ways to create new things or solve straightforward problems. In this project I combined my ideas with others, the person I was working with suggested we use a colander to take out the plastic, I suggested we attach them to trucks and boats. I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing. Originally for this project I was planning on making a floating car, I knew this idea wouldn’t work (in a small model) so I changed the product. I used a lot of creative thinking in this project.


Things I could have improved on during the invention fair. I could have better communicated with my partner during the project. I didn’t email the person I was working with enough, I didn’t email him which materials i had until I actually saw him. I could have better explained the triple bottom line. When I was explaining the triple bottom line to people I didn’t explain the triple bottom line enough or I left out a section. I could have better explained the (model of the) product. I left out a few details when I was presenting, I should have pointed and demonstrated what was going on. I could have improved in a few areas in this project, but overall i think I achieved in more areas then I failed.


One thought on “Invention project

  1. Hi Andrew,
    Your mark: B
    You have properly integrated media into your blog. Information clearly relates to a core competency. You include several supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency.
    Reflection is organized with 3 well-constructed paragraphs which do a good job of communicating your ideas. Your paragraphs use the language of the core competency to describe how you addressed the core competency and you also addressed areas of improvement although it was for the communication core competency. Please feel free to email me a link to your updated blog, if you make changes and want the page marked again. If you need help you can come, see me in room 213 at flex.
    Ms. Hewitt

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