science project

  1. Latin name (Genus species) : Thaleichthys 

Common English Name: Eulachon fish 

Indigenous language(s) name(s) : Salvation fish 

Habitat: They are migrate into some of the major river systems along the west coast of North America to spawn in the early spring every year. Eulachon are important fish for many reasons. 


Detailed labelled diagram of the species: 





Explain and describe the methos of reproduction (Asexual, sexual, both?): Adult eulachon typically spawn at age 2-5 years in the lower portions of rivers. Many rivers within the range of eulachon have consistent yearly spawning runs; however, eulachon may appear in other rivers only on an irregular or occasional basis. The spawning migration usually occurs between December and June. 


Labelled diagram of the reproductive cycle: 





In what ways is this species dependent on other species? 

Eulachon feeds mainly on plankton as well as fish eggs, insect larvae and small crustaceans. 


In what ways do other species depend on this species? 

the eulachon fish are also known as halimotkw, often translated as “savior fish” or “salvation fish.” Eulachon return to the rivers here to spawn at the end of the North Pacific winter, when historically food supplies would be running low. 


In what ways do the abiotic features of British Columbia and the species interact? 

There is evidence that the habitat of some rivers has been degraded due to thinning, industrial pollution, and the impact of the forest industry, preventing eulachon fish from spawning. 


Traditional use(s) of the species in BC: Eulachon played an irreplaceable role in the daily lives of the First Nation people who onced lived in BC. They were extremely common on the dining tables of the First Nation people, just like bread and pasta to us today. The First Nation people would also dry the fish so they can still be edible after the hunting season. Another important role eulachon has is in trading. Since there were no banknotes back then in the Indiginious community, people would use eulachon in exchanges for other goods.   


Traditional harvesting and/or cultivation methods: The First Nation people hunted the eulachons using baskets 


Medicinal properties: Not applicable  


Nutritional benefits: Not applicable 


Consider the reproductive processes, life cycle, and survival needs of the species, What conditions are necessary to sustain the species?  

Eulachon feeds on water, oxygen, and plankton, as well as fish eggs, insect larvae, and small crustaceans. 


Consider the traditional practices of harvesting, cultivating, using, and disposing  

of waste of this organism. Are these traditional practices sustainable? (Eg. Limits  

on quantities harvested? Locations? Methods? Time of harvest within the life  

cycle of the organism?) 

The traditional practices on eulachons by the First Nation people is sustainable, because the method First Nation people used to catch the eulachons are far less efficient than the machines we use today. There were way less men-power back then to help with harvesting those fish. Furthermore, there were also lots of limitations to the harvestation of the eulachons. For example, the First Nation people could only hunt them around the rivers and only from early spring to summer. 


  1. 6.

Are First Peoples of BC still utilizing this resource? If so, are traditional methods  

still used, or have methods changed? 

They still used, 

The impact of climate change has pushed Eulerhon into a slow recession. Moreover, marine shrimp fishing (which also catches large amounts of cyanobacteria) accidentally fishes while targeting other species, and then crashes the population 

The large Elachon River runs through the river and can withstand large losses without continuing to fish and endure. Smaller runs cannot. 



Is the organism now commonly used in BC beyond First People 

s communities? 

Yes, this eulachon fish is also used and caught in other areas. Eulachon has a unique and vital place in most Aboriginal communities off the coast of British Columbia. Eulachon harvested products include fresh, dried, smoked, cured and frozen whole fish. 



Are current methods of harvesting, cultivation, and use sustainable? 


Eulachon fish is now a rare animal, and when people catch other fish, they often catch the food of eulachon fish, and there are some animals that use eulachon fish as food. 



Cambria Gordon Ltd. “Eulachon of the Pacific Northwest: A Life History.” Royalbcmuseum, Cambria Gordon Ltd., 11 Jan. 2016, 

 Accessed Dec. 17th, 2019 


  1. B. MACKINNON. “’Salvation Fish’ That Sustained Native People Now Needs Saving.” National Geographic, National Geographic, 7 July 2015,

 Accessed Dec. 17th, 2019 


Kuhnlein, Harriet V, and Murray M Humphries. “Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America.” Eulachon | Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America – Animals – Fish – Searun Fish, Centre for Indigenous People’s Nutrition and Environment, 

Accessed Dec. 17th, 2019 


                                                                                             by jinyi Zhu 







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