Invention Project

Duel Holder:
Close your eyes. Imagine your at the Mc Donald’s drive through and you order your favourite meal with fries. You only like your fries with ketchup. But your driving and there’s no where to put your ketchup. So the employee asks you if you would like a regular fry holder or the Duel Holder. And of corse you say the Duel Holder because now you can eat your fries with ketchup on the go. Now our product is not only convenient and ingenious but we can guarantee your satisfaction.

People: Our product is not only convenient for everyone but we guarantee your complete satisfaction.
Planet: Our product is made out of paper so it is easy to recycle.
Profit: Our product is very cheep to make and could be very successful. We can pay our workers minimum
wage so we can make the most
We are hoping to sell this idea
to all the
big fast food restaurants like
Mc Donalds,
Burger King, A&W and KFC.

Creative Thinking

I used Novelty and value in my project. I can think of my own ideas and build off of others ideas also. For example my partner said that we should make something food related so then I thought of making a french fry holder that holds ketchup also. I can generate new ideas as I pursue my interest. I really like basketball so I thought of this idea for basketball shoes. It’s a basketball shoe that morphs into anyones exact size. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure that it’s not possible. I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area that I’m interested in or passionate about. I thought of this french fry holder and even though It’s not the most creative or useful product I am so passionate about this product and I really strongly think that this should be in every fast food restaurant. In conclusion I used Novelty and Value in many different aspects in this project.

I Generated ideas in many ways in this project. I made new ways to create things. For example when my partner and I were trying to create our project I provided different ideas and strategies to help create our invention. I have deliberate strategies for calming my mind if I’m really hyper or not in the mood to do work. Some of those strategies are running, listening to music, going for a walk outside and taking deep breaths. I have interests and passions that I pursue overtime. I am hoping that in the near future i would have perfected my invention and create a presentation to try and sell this idea so Mc Donalds. In conclusion I have Generated ideas in so many ways in this project.

I developed so many ideas in this project. I made my ideas work or changed what I’m doing. When I was building my invention I was originally taped it together and it didn’t look that great, so now I made it so there’s a hook for the holder. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries. In this project i have changed my mind and changed things so many times to improve the project. I can make my ideas work with the materials I have. We forgot one of the Mc Donalds cups so we had to work without it. In conclusion I have developed so many creative ideas in this project.

One thought on “Invention Project

  1. Hi Luca,
    Your mark: C+
    You have integrated media into your blog. Information clearly relates to a core competency. You include some good supporting details and/or examples of how you demonstrated the competency.
    Reflection uses 3 paragraphs which do a good job of communicating your ideas. Your paragraphs use some of the language of the core competency to describe how you demonstrated the core competency but you did not include a paragraph explaining how you might apply it in the future. Please feel free to email me a link to your updated blog, if you make changes and want the page marked again. If you need help you can come, see me in room 213 at flex.
    Ms. Hewitt

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