2 thoughts on “Romeo and Juliet Act III Scene I

  1. Hello Nick,
    I thought the skit covered all the main events in act 3 scene 1. I think you guys could have used a different theme and made it more modern. A suggestion would be to not have the swords and pick a more modern theme for the fight. This would have made it more unique and creative. The voice projection from everyone was good and clear. I think the tone was great for some parts and a little less convincing for the other parts. Having more poetic devices would have been great and the music in the background added good filling to where it wasn’t just people speaking. Nick you did a good job of having a costume for the Prince portion. I thought maybe in the beginning you could have used colours to divide and show more clearly which characters everyone was. – Yen Teng

  2. Hi Nick,
    Group mark: C
    The cast used some facial expressions and body language to make the scene more easily understood. Volume, tone, and pace used by the actors was inconsistent. Dialogue was sometimes hard to hear. The accents used by some of the actors was a good idea. Eye contact by all members was excellent. Props (swords ✓, tights and backpack for a hat?) some were satisfactory but most did not demonstrate a lot of prep. You used a background music ✓ to enhance the plot but could have used more tools such as subtitles, and/or sound effects. Script: some poetic devices and dialogue are appropriate for the setting and plot development. The main point in the scene and some minor details were included in the performance. A few important points from the scene were missing such as Mercutio’s lines after getting stabbed, Romeo’s banishment, and Lady Capulet’s final words. Mercutio’s actual stabbing is not accurate.

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