What I Want to Learn in English 9

What I Want to Learn in English 9

In English 9 I would like to learn to do public speaking, reading, fixing my grammar, and novel studies. I would like to do these subjects because they are things I need to work on and what I find interesting in English. For public speaking because I like to stand up and speak to the class and present my best work. For reading, I don’t typically read but I do like to read. I’m mainly interested in adventure novels, action, historical books, and of course comedy. I would like to read in class because I don’t always have the time to read at home because I’m always busy doing other work or have something to do. I would really like to fix my grammar because I don’t have the best grammar or I don’t typically know when to add punctuation. I really like to get into novel studies because I like to read and explain what happened in the section of the book I have read. These are all the things I want to learn in English 9.


My critical thinking had improved through English 9 so far. I say that because I had to generate ideas and develop ideas. My critical thinking had also improved in my poems because i had to base my poem off something which made me have to generate ideas to start the poem. Me having to generate ideas wasn’t the easiest thing but after having to do all these poems and keep having to generate ideas helped me out in a big way. Doing poems in English 9 started off slightly hard because i wasn’t the best at building up ideas, but after doing these poems they had helped me practice and get better. So now they aren’t the hardest thing for me. I had also, needed to develop ideas to write lines for my poetry which i had or figure out how to add poetic devices to the lines. Doing that made me be able to develop ideas better and helped practice doing it.


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