Composition 11 – May 29

Read the passage below. Write a TOPIC SENTENCE FOR THE PARAGRAPH BELOW AND find the errors in the paragraph below.  Rewrite the paragraph corrected on a piece of paper and answer the questions.


___________________________________.  When people have parties at their homes, my neighbor cooks for them. She is a fabulous cook. Many customers contact her before they have a party. She asks them a lot of questions about the upcoming event. She finds out how people will be there. Then her and the customer decide on a menu. My neighbor hires servers to serve the food and to weight on the people. She usually cooks the meals in her own home, because sometimes people ask her to preparing the food at their houses. She enjoys to do the working in her catering business, and she is really good at all the parts of the job.


What are the common errors?

What are the main points in this paragraph (support):

Is there a concluding sentence?  If so, what is it.

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