New Media 10 – June 10

We have a week and a half left of school so now we get to end on a fun note (I think) while applying everything we have been working on until now.
Here is a recap on what we have done and are required to demonstrate in this assignment:
• We have been working on how to say something but using different words and keeping the meaning the same through our grammar/editing activities.
• We have been working on how to use different literary devices/poetic devices to enhance our meaning or the flow in our writing activities and poem analysis activities.
• We have gone over the elements/structure that make up a sonnet.
• We have learned about rhythm and rhyme and rhyme scheme.

You are creating your own Shakespearean Sonnet. You will have one week to finish it and post it on your blog. Please see the attachment for the criteria.
Due date: Wednesday, June 17th

Post to your blog using the following info:
Title: Title of your chosen lyrics + Sonnet
Category: New Media 10
Tag: ps220

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