Animal Farm Graphic


This past week, my English class has been reading Animal Farm, we were assigned a group project so we could covey our learning. I demonstrated active listening in multiple ways, we had a bit of a disagreement about what animal to use at the start, My partner wanted to do a different animal, he had a different option. We talked it through and eventually concluded that we were both satisfied with. It went very well after we got over that. We decided to do the poster over the weekend because we had a very busy week with grade 9 basketball. There was good communication there, we both had the same thought of what to write on the poster. That was a good way we demonstrated the communication competency.

A very big road block that we hit, was one of our group members was sick with strep throat. So, we had to take on more of a work load to deal with our sick partner. That was a setback because we had to adapt and do the work with just two group members instead of three. We powered through though and got the project done. Using the strategies, I talked about in my last paragraph, we came up with a plan. The script was done during flex of Monday and Tuesday. We met up in the foods room and got a feasible script together. I was happy that we were able to communicate what we wanted and come up with a date to do the project even though we had a busy schedule.

If I was to do this project again, I would have done more in class. We didn’t have the resources to do the work in class because of a basketball tourney we had. I also would have had our sick group member do some work and email it to use so we could present with him doing some work. This was a fun project because I got to do this with my friends. We weren’t very artistic so I think that we should have included more writing or at least some colour. Overall, I think that we did a good job of communicating what we needed to and get over the problems we faced.