Extracurricular Paragraph

One of my favourite things to do in my spare time is Art , I have been doing art since I could remember, from scribbles to people. I was very creative when I was very young.One of my favourite memories of art was in grade one where we had an assignment to make an ordinary stick into an everyday object. I turned my stick into a paint brush and my teacher was so impressed that I earned a sticker ( now thinking about it , a sticker isn’t my greatest achievement in my life but as a 7 year old it was pretty special). After grade one I felt so inspired to create more art, when I found out my favourite types. I love cartooning , sketching , painting and watercolour! All of these types I love deeply and do almost everyday after school. I would love to make a job out of art one day and go to art school. Sometimes I realize that being an artist full time when Im older will not get me a good income.Thats why I want to become a graphic designer or animator when I grow up and create billboards or create a movie that will inspire little kids to do cool and great things! One of my favourite things to do on the weekends is go with my mom to the Vancouver art gallery, that’s what makes my mother and I’s relationship strong and great. I love artists from Leonardo de Vinci to Klimt. My favourite paintings is The girl with a pearl earring and the kiss. I actually saw the kiss in real life when I went to Vienna this summer. Art is my favourite way to express myself in many ways , it sort of gives me my confidence and how I dress and talk. Without art I don’t know what I’ll be doing right now in this very moment writing this paragraph.  Thats what art means to me. ( Thats me in the photo :0 )

Invention Project/ Refelction

When I started this project , I made and thought of new ideas , and thought very creatively. Some things I went through was starting my invention, creating how it works , looks and helps the environment. I went through a lot of creative block and writers block making the invention but then thankfully creating an invention that works for our planet. I am proud of my self for working through this project fluently and professionally. In these next two paragraphs I will talk about different statements in the core competencies under critical thinking. Here are some ways that I supported my ideas.

I can reflect and evaluate my thinking , products and actions during when I was creating the product , disposable shampoo packets for more context. On my thinking, I thought about how much plastic was being polluted into our oceans, and then I thought about how shampoo products were one of the most polluted types of plastic. I knew that need to change and that’s when I thought about a type of product, one that could be useful and environmentally friendly, that when I created a disposable packet for shampoo. The actions would help eliminate all plastic use for shampoo bottles. I hope that a person who is older will make this product so we can help eliminate plastic for good. When I was creating the project I was thinking critically about the product , the purpose and the idea. You can find my examples are in my proposal.

When creating my invention I thought about different designs of it , ways it works and how useful it would be. This is where I relate to “ I can experiment with different way of doing things “. It took me a while to create a good prototype with different designs and my invention , I could not just google it because it was my original idea. I evaluated and looked at how to use it , what the clear disposable packet was made out of , will it be safe for hair and skin, will it make income?. These questions are the ones I thought about the most when creating my invention. I monitored my reflection and proposal a lot so nothing would not make sense or I wouldn’t know how to answer some of the questions . I choice to work by myself so I could generate and make an invention I thought of and invented. I

n conclusion , I enjoyed the project very much and felt that I did well in this project. I am proud of myself for creating this invention from scratch.


More than 552 million shampoo bottles are dumped in land fill every year in the united states. You could fill a football field every day til the day you perish. The worst part is that shampoo bottles are mainly consisted of plastic , and if you watch the news you notice that plastic is filling up in our oceans. So I decided to create a shampoo bottle consisted mainly in a packet. I have seen another Teenager create a biodegradable shaving cream packet which is amazing , But I wanted to instead create a shampoo packet because of all the shampoo bottles wasted each year.

The packet is clear and comes in two sizes , 5 oz and 12oz packets , the clear film is water soluble and disappears when you wash ur hair. The pods are for all hair types. The pods would come in a box to put in your shower or bath. Of course the box would be biodegradable  so It would not hurt the environment when recycled. Keep away from children because they could eat packet and that would be gross. Boxes would run for $5.00 for 25 packets  , $7.99 for 50 packets  $24.99 for 150 packets and $35.99 for 350. Each packet can be used for 14 to 24 weeks but it depends on the pack you purchased and your wash cycle. Affordable pricing to safe the planet 

10% of proceeds would be donated to Coral Reef Alliance which is a non profit organization to safe the coral reefs that are dying in the oceans. What a great cause.

When using it , all you need to do is take a packet into wet hair and scrub , right away the shampoo will start working , nothing else you need to follow just go about your normal shower or bath