English Core Competency Reflection

English 9 paragraph reflection 

   Creative thinking & Overall – Amelie Coen


In English 9 I learned how to come up with interesting and new ideas for my projects and writes. I was able to create art pieces to show my understanding of the lessons I was learning during class since I am a very visual learner. Creating art during english helped me understand the lessons better! I generate ideas from asking my fellow peers on their ideas and opinions on the projects we were learning, that gave me a better view on generating ideas for this class. During class I would write down my goals for the new project of mine , whether I should focus on the writing point or the creativity point of it and that helped me very much.I found my strengths in creative writing and reading. After finishing animal farm it gave me a new look on life and that’s when I found my love for reading historical and realistic books. I could improve on creating poems for class, it’s hard to find rhyming of meaningful words that relate to the subject. I hope I can improve on it next year. I loved English because it is my favourite subject, having that mindset I worked hard in that subject. I loved all the subjects I learned from short stories to William Shakespeare! I am very excited for it next year.