

Communication is for me like a EAL student very difficult. I often have problem with it, because I say wrong words and same, I have with hearing. The way, I want to show my skills at practice. For me, it is English easy when it is good and funny like talking with person, write the stories or by playing desk games.


Creative thinking


The creative thinking is a one strong side of me. I get the idea when I rest or relax. If I get some idea, I try to think whether the idea is good. Then I ask my friend if they agree my idea or if they want to change something, and I do next steps from these points. The things, what help me to think about the new idea, are suddenly.


Personal Awareness and Responsibility


I often work hard, and I used to. Sometimes, I am discouraged, stressed, or tired. When it falls to me, so I take the 15 minutes rest, or I go for some water and out to fresh air. My goal is the creating the new robots or technologies. I choose this, because I love programing and creating.