

Communication is for me like a EAL student very difficult. I often have problem with it, because I say wrong words and same, I have with hearing. The way, I want to show my skills at practice. For me, it is English easy when it is good and funny like talking with person, write the stories or by playing desk games.


Creative thinking


The creative thinking is a one strong side of me. I get the idea when I rest or relax. If I get some idea, I try to think whether the idea is good. Then I ask my friend if they agree my idea or if they want to change something, and I do next steps from these points. The things, what help me to think about the new idea, are suddenly.


Personal Awareness and Responsibility


I often work hard, and I used to. Sometimes, I am discouraged, stressed, or tired. When it falls to me, so I take the 15 minutes rest, or I go for some water and out to fresh air. My goal is the creating the new robots or technologies. I choose this, because I love programing and creating.

Take Your Kid To Work Day 2019

Take your kids to work day 2019                                    Jakub Strunc


Name of your host: Jan Strunc                                     Relationship: Father

1.What is your title?   Software engineer

2.What is your description?

My dad worked as a software engineer for a start up company in Burnaby. The company built a switch for motropolitan networks which groomed a traffic over fiber optics. The company was located on 3 sites: one team designed chips, the socond team built chasis, and the third team developped software for the switch set-up and traffic monitoring.

3. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job?

My dad worked in the small team of software engineers.  They designed, developed and tested communication protocols and graphical user interface for provisioning            telecommunication switch. Specifically, my dad was responsible for development a software package, which was used for fault and performance monitoring of network communication.

4. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas?

a) training?    C++ and Java programing languages, network protocols, software development tools for building and testing software packages, colaborative tools

b) education? university degree in computer science

c) experience? Collaborative development, testing, and building software packages

d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)? work independently and work in the team, “can-do” attitude

5. What are some of the things you like about the job?

My dad created a product, which other people could use and see. He had to be creative, resolve challenges, work with others.

6. What are some of the things you dislike about this job?

I see a challenge that I would need to study for a long time and get some experience before I can do this job.

7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so?

New technologies would come, there will be more and more automation in development and testing, also people will work more and more from their home.

Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
  • Work with different people in multinational team
  • Learning new technologies
  • Good salary
  1. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
  • Must study and gain experience for a long time
  • I want to have freedom, travel and work from home
  • Work too long hours
  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

I want to build new things, work with new technologies, be creative, work with different people.

  1. Explain the value of the TYKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).

After high school, I want to study computer engineering at the university.


This is place, where my dad started his first job.


This is place, where his company moved.

About me

Hi, my name is Jakub. I am from the Czech Republic. This is my first school year at the school in Canada. I am enjoying my studies here. My favourite hobbies are chess, swimming, scout, piano and cooking. I love anime serials.

My chosen quote is from Karel Čapek “It is a well–known fact that the greater a man is the less he has on his door–plate.”

This is my favourite clip.


This is favourite website, because I usually use this website for school or  fun.

This is  a picture, who impacted me , because I was born in the Czech Republic.